Methods to Transcend the Winter Blues – 2025

Greetings r=Relations,

Praying you and your families are in health and sensing the burgeoning energies of Spring. I am delighted to share that a series of articles have been composed where I served as a consultant on Indigenous subjects near and dear to my heart. Since we are still embedded in the midst of Winter in the Northern hemisphere, the first article relates to methods to transcend the winter blues. Enjoy!

Click here to read the full article.

INTERVIEW: Soulganize with Indigenous Medicine with Phillip Scott

Below is an interview I did with Wynne from Soulganize disucssing Indigenous Leadership.


Ancestral Voice 1st Quarter Newsletter, 2025

 Greetings Relations,
As energies shift and amplify nearing the Spring emergence in the Northern hemisphere, Praying you and your loved ones remain imbedded in the eye of the impending storms, both literally and metaphorically.Recently returning from a pilgrimage to teach and conduct Ceremonies in India, the journey was fraught with extreme challenges as well as great beauty and Blessings. A profound message gleaned: locate and align with allies – the people who see, love, respect and support you, who watch your back and stand with you, no matter what.

Truth is, Indigenous Nations and peoples are incessantly under siege. The mis and disinformation, fear and outright ignorance regarding them is rife and staggering in this world. Though the Maori Nations of Aotearoa (New Zealand) are no longer receiving press, Ancestral Voice continues to stand in absolute support and solidarity with them in the defense and protection of their culture, identity and sovereign right to self determination while the colonized parliament endeavors to rescind the treaty of Waitangi, which was ratified in 1840. Unfortunately, being cavalier with words, reneging on commitments and treaties is a pattern in the colonized world. In fact, over 500 treaties were established in relation to Indigenous Nations in North America, and the colonizers have broken every single one of them. It illumines a troubling legacy for those of European Ancestry to address and heal – namely, egregious breaches of integrity.

Though not in accord with the positions and actions of the US government in the Gaza Strip, Ancestral Voice at least acknowledges the previous administration’s gestures toward healing, peace and reconciliation in relation to Indigenous Nations in the United States. These included – the appointment of the first Indigenous senator to serve as director of the department of the interior. Additionally, former President Biden was the first leader in the US to formally and publicly apologize to Indigenous Nations for the heinous atrocities of the boarding school system (to which my Lakota mother was subjected and from which she suffered), which was perpetrated by the federal government. Finally, in one of his last acts in office, the former president commuted the sentence of Leonard Peltier, who has been incarcerated for 50 years for a crime he did not commit, allowing this Indigenous activist, warrior and elder to spend the remainder of his life surrounded by family and loved ones. These were favorable and potentially healing developments. Now, the trajectory with the current administration is uncertain. That said, drawing inspiration from the life and story of Leonard Peltier, it is necessary to remain resolute in conviction and to persevere. In other words – Never Lose Faith and Never Give Up!In the continued mission and quest to support decolonization/reindigenization movements, Ancestral Voice is offering two nine Moon courses – Indigenous Wisdom & Medicine Ways intends to dispel the ignorance and misperceptions surrounding Native cultures and to foster a deeper appreciation of their rich, complex worldviews and lifeways. Within a Sacred container held by the Ancestors, the nine Moon Men’s Hoop is designed to support men, young and old, in becoming Awakened Warriors – to walk with integrity, respect, maturity and purpose in the world, to be honourable, responsible, accountable and to release antiquated and contrived ways of masculinity. Please contact Ancestral Voice for further information and to register for either of these courses.

February is the month to commence formal preparations for the Hanbleceya (Traditional Vision Quest), which is conducted in October so if interested in either Questing or serving as a supporter for the High Ceremony, please reach out to initiate the journey. Additionally, the Indigenous Journey intensive, which serves as a foundation for the Path, as well as the Soul Retrieval intensive whose intent is learning ancient methods to reclaim and reintegrate energetic aspects of ourselves are offered in mid FebruaryMid March will find us conducting Ceremonies and sharing Teachings in Florida and we are anticipating returning to Australia and India (to conduct Ceremony in the Himalayas) later this year and early next. The entire list of offerings for the quarter is below as well as available on our website
Ancestral Voice is currently accepting students for the various Moon Cycle options in the Indigenous Lifeways Program, so if endeavoring to excavate oneself and learn skills to maintain equanimity and imperturbability in these turbulent, tempestuous times, to remember your Original Instructions and mobilize oneself in their realization for the benefit of All of Our Relations, we welcome you to join us.
Prayers for Remaining in the Eye of the Tempests,

Phillip Scott’s Reflections – Ancestral Voice, 4th Quarter Newsletter 2024

Autumn salutations relations,
Praying this finds you and your loved ones in health, peace and balance, relishing the shift of season.
Ancestral Voice celebrated its 30th anniversary in August! In observance of this auspicious milestone, local students and community members gathered at a gorgeous home in Winters, CA (thanks Maryann) to be treated to a delicious catered meal of Native cuisine as well as Ceremonies ’round the Pow Wow and NAC Drums. We are truly grateful to the thousands of participants, students and clients who have graced us with their presences in the Ceremonies, intensives and healing sessions we have offered throughout the years. In our three decade tenure, there have been invitations and travels to nearly forty countries, collaborating with fellow Indigenous Ceremonial leaders and Medicine People, sharing Native wisdom and practices to preserve Indigenous ways, protect the Earth and remember our humanity for the benefit of future generations of all of our relations.
In terms of last year’s (2023) highlights:
In the Spring, we conducted Ceremonies for a First Nations addiction recovery center in Vancouver, Canada then were invited to the Daintree in Queensland, Australia (the oldest rainforest on the planet) to offer Ceremonial support, with the Blessing and collaboration of the Aboriginal Nations of the area, for the rematriation of the forest by planting Native trees which had been clearcut by unscrupulous colonial farming practices. I also had the privilege to scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef – a Dream made manifest! Near the summer, we attended the MAPS psychedelic science conference in Denver – the most memorable and important moment being the interruption of the final keynote speaker by several young Indigenous activists demanding that the voices and perspectives of Native peoples be heard, acknowledged and included in the nascent field of Western “psychedelic” (which we refer to as Sacraments) therapies. In the early summer, after lending leadership assistance at a Sundance on the Diné Rez in Arizona, I celebrated my 60th birthday by sponsoring a Tipi Meeting as well as nearly summiting Mount Whitney (the highest peak in California) – having to turn back close to the peak after reaching the last encampment on account of Lightning and Thunderbeing activity. Intending to endeavor to summit again at some point, weather permitting. Mid summer found us presenting and being well received at the Parliament of World religions in Chicago followed by a return later in the season to Chaco Canyon, NM for Sacred Hoop of Life Teachings and to Ceremonially celebrate the Autumnal Equinox. In the Autumn, we completed a seven year cycle of Hanbleceya (Traditional Vision Quest) in the Sierras (abiding gratitude to Nan and Peter, the stewards of the land and our gracious and generous hosts) and have already secured another location for this year. We concluded the year with Ceremonies and Teachings in the breathtaking mountains of Paonia, CO.
2024 has been equally rich and adventurous with a couple of journeys to Bali to offer intensives on healing and creativity, to speak and conduct Ceremonies at the Spirit Festival as well as to provide a training on Awakened Leadership for young entrepreneurs. Naturally, while in Indonesia I did not pass up an opportunity to scuba dive – another amazing underwater realm on the planet! Nearing the summer, we performed home cleansings and a land Blessing on hallowed Native ground beside a gorgeous lake in Minnesota (Bald Eagle sightings daily), returned to Arizona for the Sundance and immediately traveled, at the bidding of Lewis (my Cree brother from Canada), to Caux, Switzerland for a forum to discuss the fate of democracy in the world. It was illuminating to be invited to sit in a closed door UN session and truly gratifying to conduct morning Fire Ceremonies for politicians, dignitaries, ambassadors and officials from countries around the world –  to observe their hearts opening, support their tears to flow and encourage pragmatic action in response to the wars, conflicts, humanitarian and earthly crises with which our species is grappling. We also visited a museum devoted to Native cultures in Zürich where I was requested to assist in the repatriation and rematriation of Ghost Dance regalia. This year I celebrated my 61st birthday by attending the Montreux Jazz Festival, with my brother, which just so happened to be concurrent with the forum. August and September we stayed close to home, offering the intensive Ancient Teachings and Technologies of Survival, during the auspicious week of both the Full Moon and Autumnal Equinox, sharing essential wilderness and urban skills while visiting Sacred sites in the beautiful San Francisco Bay watershed.
In addition to a return to Bali and Australia later next year, a Ceremonial and teaching pilgrimage to Goa, India is schedule for January.
Ancestral Voice has a growing online presence with not only our websites ( & but also facebook, instagram and linkedin pages. We welcome you to visit them. A shout out to Rachel and Niki for website, social media and marketing support, Oliver for arranging a professional photo shoot and profound gratitude to all of the Fire Tenders throughout the years (especially to my Beloved wife Cecilia in the Spirit World who was the first Keeper of the Fire as well as who assisted me in birthing Ancestral Voice into existence) – currently Yola, Andrew and Siosi…. the Lodges would not be possible without your tireless assistance, selfless service and unwavering support. Also, I express appreciation to Mercury for our monthly radio interviews, Tony from Good of the Whole, Christine and Steve for hosting monthly Ceremonies on line, in her lovely home and in his yoga studio. respectively – all four of them for the past several years. 
Requiring at least nine months to a year to effectively and properly prepare, the HANBLECEYA (Traditional Vision Quest) in mid October is completely full for this year. If interested in either Questing or supporting next year, I encourage you to contact us immediately. That said, registration is open for the SOUND HEALING intensive in Novato, November 23rd and 24th. Spaces fill swiftly for this popular exploration of Sonic Medicine so register early. Also, we are currently enrolling students for the various Moon Cycle options in the INDIGENOUS LIFEWAYS PROGRAM. Thousands of people have received healing and benefitted from the Teachings and you can as well.
Feel free to contact us with any inquiries, to register for the intensives/programs, to invite us to share Teachings and Ceremony with you and your communities or to simply remain in touch. We enjoy connection and welcome the contact. Looking forward to hearing from you and to your participation – here’s to the next thirty years of service!
Blessings, Gratitude & Love,

Ancestral Voice 2nd Quarter Newsletter

Spring & Beltane salutations relations,

Praying you and loved ones are enjoying the energies of emergence in this new season.

I commence these reflections with an acknowledgement of a victory for Indigenous rights and sovereignty worldwide – namely, the rescinding of the doctrine of discovery by Pope Francis of the Catholic church. Though further action is certainly required, the rejection of this doctrine is a step in the proper direction – a gesture toward healing and reparations in relation to Native Nations.

Though the powerful rains and intense storms that inundated the Bay Area, California (and the entire Western seaboard for that matter) were a Blessing, it was a long, cold, dark and wet winter which yielded profound insights, revelations and inspired deep movement. Turning 60 years of age this year, I am training to summit Mt. Whitney, the highest mountain in California, in the summer. In addition to our monthly radio interview for the past several years, other favorable developments are the commencement of a podcast and youtube channel, we have active Facebook, instagram and Linkedin pages and our new websites are nearing completionNext year will be the 30th year anniversary of Ancestral Voice in the North Bay so we are cleansing and preparing the Institute for that celebration and creating space for me to compose a book (or two). We invite you to join our various social media platforms to remain connected and updated on approaching Ceremonies, intensives and gatherings.

As for this quarter’s schedule: In early May I will be journeying down under for the first time to collaborate with Aboriginal Nations in the protection and reclamation of a pristine old growth forest. Additionally, I will scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef – a Dream of mine for quite some time. The end of May finds us back at Lightning in a Bottle, a festival of which I am fond. Early June, the intensive Mitakuye Oyasin: All of my Relations – the Interconnectivity of Creation will be offered at the Instutute. End of June, I travel to Egypt (also for the first time) to conduct Ceremonies and share teachings in the oldest retreat facility outside of Cairo as well as to pilgrimage through that cradle of ancient civilization. In July (my birth month), I am sponsoring a special Ceremony so would appreciate your Prayers. Mid August I will be presenting again at the Parliament of World Religions, this year in Chicago, and then immediately travel to our Sundance in British ColumbiaSeptember is the month I summit the mountain and we return to Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, the week of the Autumnal Equinox to behold a magical spectacle that occurs at that window of time and to immerse ourselves in Sacred Hoop of Life Teachings. If inspired to accompany us on the pilgrimages to Australia and Egypt, to walk with the Ancestors amongst the ancient Anasazi ruins and/or to palpably feel and explore interrelationship in the weekend intensive, please contact us immediately for space fills swiftly.
In over 30 years of service on the Red Road (the Native Way of Life), literally thousands of people have received Doctoring from the Spirits in the Traditional Ceremonies offered and many hundreds of clients and students have received healing and benefitted from the Teachings. That said, the completion of the websites require your assistance – we are requesting testimonials and expressions of appreciation/gratitude for the ways in which Ancestral Voice and myself have favorably impacted your life. If you care to contribute, please email your submission directly to me: [email protected].
As always, Ancestral Voice is accepting students for the various Moon Cycle options in the Indigenous Lifeways and Awakened Leadership Programs so if compelled to excavate and decolonize yourself in order to heal, awaken, cultivate greater self confidence and to discover your purpose, reason and joy for being alive on this planet at this potent and poignant time, now is the moment to commit and initiate. We welcome you.

It is fascinating how the term  cancel culture is being bantered about and viciously employed these days. Ancestral Voice neither supports, endorses nor condones cancel culture. A legacy of Western “civilization”, the original attempt at the cancellation of culture was by colonizers whose agenda was to literally silence and exterminate indigenous peoples who embody and espouse an ancient and profound way of perceiving, living and relating to the world – quite antithetical and threatening to the understanding and experience of the colonized mind. Though countless lives have been extinguished, the effects of intergenerational wounding from this reprehensible genocide affects generations to this day and Indigenous cultures remain under siege in numerous ways, ultimately, the colonizers’ attempts at eradication were unsuccessful – Indigenous Nations remain and their voices and actions are continuing to be heard and felt more than ever. In the modern world, this legacy of colonized fear and cowardice persists not only toward Native peoples but, as a consequence of the penchant for and attachment to impersonal technology, has become an unfortunately ubiquitous phenomenon – cancelling anyone with whom one takes umbrage or who are perceived as a threat to one’s world view and belief system. Certainly holding individuals accountable for their actions is important but the defamation and assassination of a person’s character in a public arena is never the first resort. Rather than dismissing, condemning and vilifying someone with whom there are differences or issues (from the safety and anonimty of an impersonal screen in a public forum), the time has arrived to comprehend that truth is nuanced (there are multiple perspectives and stories which are equally valid) and to cultivate bravery – to engage directly in dialogue, to muster the courage, maturity and skillfulness to invite and embrace difficult and often uncomfortable conversations in person (mediated, if necessary), for understanding, healing and the possibility of peace, reconciliation and resolution (including the agreement to disagree) to be achieved. The failure to seek healing, understanding and direct closure (if warranted) causes the poison to seep into one’s life and affect other relationships as well as the world at large. The courage and resiliency to engage and address conflict when it arises is the awakened warrior’s way and an antidote to the disease of cancel culture in our society today.

Prayers the elimination of the doctrine of discovery supports the healing of Indigenous Nations everywhere and serves as a precedent in curtailing the culture of cancellation in the modern world as well.