Ancestral Voice - Institute for Indigenous Lifeways


30 Years of Service in the Bay area and beyond

Ceremonies & Services

Healing the Healers and Guiding the Leaders

Ancestral Voice is it preeminent center of healing and learning devoted to the protection, preservation, application and respectful transmission of Traditional Indigenous Medicine, Ceremonies and Ways of Life.

Employing Native Wisdom, Knowledge and Practices, seekers learn and honour Ancient ways to connect with the Ancestors, Earth and Source to live intentfully with Awareness, Passion and Freedom in order to be of greater Service.

Indigenous Lifeways Program

Path of the Human Being, Way of the Awakened Warrior

An intensive, initiatory journey requiring a personal commitment for individuals intent upon excavating, healing and liberating themselves from the shackles of familial and social conditioning, domestication and colonization – devoted not only to studying but to sincerely walking and living the Indigenous and Toltec Path with heart, upholding the highest values of honor, respect, integrity and impeccability.


Of mixed Ancestry and thrice struck by Lightning, Phillip (Šúnkawakhán Sápa/ Black Horse) has faithfully walked the Native Path for over forty years, learning from, adopted, and sanctioned by Indigenous Medicine/Holy people, tribal Spiritual leaders, Wisdom keepers, and Elders from several Nations and cultures. Annually Sundancing in the Lakota Tradition for over three decades and a member of respected Native Medicine families, he is a Ceremonial leader and Traditional healer, entrusted to share Indigenous Wisdom, Knowledge, and Medicine Ways with the contemporary world. Serving as a bridge, he is a staunch defender of and advocate for Indigenous rights and environmental justice.

An advisor and presenter on various Sacred matters, he is a counselor, educator and consultant for academic, spiritual/religious, medical, environmental, and penal institutions as well as for corporations. Interviewed monthly for radio, his life, story, and writings have been featured in books and journals. He is a contributing author to Stanley Krippner’s The Shamanic Powers of Rolling Thunder and well as Itzhak Beery’s Shamanic Transformations. In addition to directing and teaching at Ancestral Voice – Institute for Indigenous Lifeways in Northern California, which he founded in 1994, he maintains a healing practice, performs Traditional Ceremonies, conducts intensives, lectures and leads pilgrimages worldwide. He is skilled in wilderness and urban survival, has received a Master’s degree from Naropa University and is also a licensed EMT.

Cecilia Sanchez-Scott

Amazing Dreamer, Firetender, Medicine woman, Sundancer, unconditionally loving daughter, sister, auntie and wife, Cecilia was the matriarch of our communities and a mother to everyone. A gifted corporate/organizational consultant and master of administration, all that she touched, flourished. Assisting in Dreaming the name of our center, she midwifed its birth and nourished its growth, serving as operations manager. While visiting and caring for our adopted Lakota mother on the Pine Ridge Rez, Great Mystery called my Beloved wife Home. Embodying the nature of surrender, sacrifice and selfless service, she truly understood what it meant to be a human being so graduated early from classroom planet Earth to become and serve as an Ancestor in the Other Side Camp. Forever in our Hearts and Dreams.

Land Acknowledgement
Profound gratitude and appreciation expressed for the permission granted to dwell and conduct Ceremonies from my Traditional families and mentors upon the Sacred territories of the sovereign Ohlone, Coastal Miwok and Pomo Nations, the original stewards and caretakers of the beautiful San Francisco Bay area watershed. Prayers for and solidarity in the preservation of their cultures, identities and languages.

In the name and Spirit of actual inclusion, accessibility and equity, all Ceremonies are by respectful donation. Furthermore, honoring the Medicine of reciprocity and gratitude, a percentage of all proceeds directly supports Indigenous families and Nations on and off reservations.


Events of special note

September 16-21 is the weeklong intensive Ancient Teachings & Technologies of Survival in Novato, which will include an exclusive Full Moon Purification Lodge.
The October Hanbleceya (Traditional Vision Quest) will occur in a beautiful new location in Placerville from the 19th through the 27th.

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